Monday, December 1, 2008

Storing ghosts - Aquariums, Bottles or Cages?

Some say ghosts are best stored in bottles. A tantric friend however advised tying mutinous ghosts to trees or keeping them locked in an attache case. In olden times ghosts were cruelly locked up in subterranean chambers or caves where they were put to the eternal task of guarding hidden treaures. All these ideas may have their own utility but they ignore the ghostly rights of the departed (akin to human rights of the living). So we suggest some alternatives that recognise their rights and guarantee a quality of life that ghosts need and yearn for. We suggest to all practitioners of the occult to store ghosts in aquariums (with good supply of fish) or refrigerators (with a good stock of food and the temperature bearable) or even better to just let them live among us, and pester them not - Peaceful co-existence.

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