Hierarchies of the after-world - A suggested Taxonomy for Ghosts
The world of the living was classified first by Carolus Linnaeus. It is in the fitness of things, we thought, that the afterworld be classified too. First hand experiences and secondary material gathered over thousands of years seem to suggest the afterworld is as overpopulated as ours. And just like ours, there also the variety is mind-boggling. So to better understand the denizens of the afterworld we have attempted a rudimentary classification of ghosts (based on kingdom, phylum, class, order, tribe, genus, species etc) which would be developed over the years. In our work we have used both primary and secondary literature including inputs from seances and other contacts with the after-world. Among other things The Tibetan Book of the Dead provided valuable ideas as did the Tree of Life of the Kabalah. As this is an attempt to classify the inhabitants of the afterworld we have decided to call this system of classification - The Tree of Death:
Kingdoms: Alisatma, Arborisatma
(Alis - Animal; Arboris - Plant; Atma - Soul)
Phyla: Volatmas, Geotma, Kabandhas, Andhatmas, ....
(Vol - Fly, Geo - Earth, Kabandha-Headless, Andha-Blind ...)
Species: Bogies, Petnis, Mamdos, Spectres, Shades ...
This is a brief glimpse of the work done by us. The complete text is available in the soon to be published book The Tree of Death.
(Important note: This is copyrighted material [Copyright 2008] and any infringment will draw legal action)
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